클릭하우스에 ALTER 요청시 오류가 나고 있었다.
clickhouse_driver.errors.ServerException: Code: 159.
DB::Exception: Watching task /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/query-0000363944 is executing longer than distributed_ddl_task_timeout (=180) seconds. There are 1 unfinished hosts (0 of them are currently active), they are going to execute the query in background. Stack trace:
0. DB::Exception::Exception(DB::Exception::MessageMasked&&, int, bool) @ 0x000000000c7498f7 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
1. DB::Exception::Exception<String&, long&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&>(int, FormatStringHelperImpl<std::type_identity<String&>::type, std::type_identity<long&>::type, std::type_identity<unsigned long&>::type, std::type_identity<unsigned long&>::type>, String&, long&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&) @ 0x000000001248ef29 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
2. DB::DDLQueryStatusSource::generate() @ 0x000000001248d953 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
3. DB::ISource::tryGenerate() @ 0x0000000013393258 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
4. DB::ISource::work() @ 0x0000000013392d8a in /usr/bin/clickhouse
5. DB::ExecutionThreadContext::executeTask() @ 0x00000000133aac5a in /usr/bin/clickhouse
6. DB::PipelineExecutor::executeStepImpl(unsigned long, std::atomic<bool>*) @ 0x00000000133a1710 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
7. DB::PipelineExecutor::execute(unsigned long, bool) @ 0x00000000133a09a0 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
8. void std::__function::__policy_invoker<void ()>::__call_impl<std::__function::__default_alloc_func<ThreadFromGlobalPoolImpl<true>::ThreadFromGlobalPoolImpl<DB::PullingAsyncPipelineExecutor::pull(DB::Chunk&, unsigned long)::$_0>(DB::PullingAsyncPipelineExecutor::pull(DB::Chunk&, unsigned long)::$_0&&)::'lambda'(), void ()>>(std::__function::__policy_storage const*) @ 0x00000000133ae66f in /usr/bin/clickhouse
9. void* std::__thread_proxy[abi:v15000]<std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<std::__thread_struct, std::default_delete<std::__thread_struct>>, void ThreadPoolImpl<std::thread>::scheduleImpl<void>(std::function<void ()>, Priority, std::optional<unsigned long>, bool)::'lambda0'()>>(void*) @ 0x000000000c832d27 in /usr/bin/clickhouse
10. start_thread @ 0x0000000000007dd5 in /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so
11. __clone @ 0x00000000000fe02d in /usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so
클릭하우스쪽에 특정 ALTER 쿼리 하나가 계속 실행 중이라서 DDL 쿼리가 처리 안 되고 있었음.
SHOW PROCESSLIST에서 쿼리ID 확인 해서 KILL QUREY WHERE query_id = '쿼리아이디' ASYNC 해도 킬이 안 됨.
구글링 해보니 아래 내용 발견
댓글에 보니 원격에서 실행된 쿼리가 죽지 않고 계속 살아 있고, 죽일 수도 없다는 거.
실행한 원격 서버쪽에서 끊어야 되는 거 같아서 실행한 서버를 가보니 배포가 있어 재시작 되었어야 할 uwsgi가 3일 넘게 살아 있는 게 보임.
해당 uwsgi를 킬 하고 재시작 하니까 클릭하우스쪽 쿼리도 사라짐.